Rama urges UN reform at General Assembly, highlights proposal for Bektashi Sovereign State

Rama urges UN reform at General Assembly, highlights proposal for Bektashi Sovereign State

Photo: Edit Rama at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly during the “Summit for the Future"

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama delivered a critical speech at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly during the “Summit for the Future.” He called for urgent reforms within the United Nations and proposed the creation of a sovereign state for the Bektashi community, aimed at fostering a new center of moderation and coexistence.

Key Points:

Rama expressed doubts about the global trust in the UN, emphasizing the need for accountability and action. He urged world leaders to confront the organization’s failures, stating that the UN often falls short of fulfilling the expectations of the people it serves.

“The UN has often failed to fulfill the hopes of the people, and fear for the future continues to grow everywhere,” Rama said. “Crises have shattered common ground, dividing us further, and we have squandered opportunities for meaningful change.”

He posed pressing questions about how to rebuild trust in multilateralism, arguing that collective global efforts must go beyond empty promises and truly address urgent challenges.

“How do we prove that multilateral action is not just empty words but a real force that can solve today’s urgent challenges? How do we inspire instead of demoralize ordinary people whose lives are destroyed daily by the irresponsible actions of global powers?” Rama asked.

Call for Unity and Collective Action

Rama acknowledged the dramatic global changes since the UN’s founding 80 years ago, calling for renewed unity and a sense of shared purpose. He emphasized that multilateral action is not an option but an urgent necessity to tackle interconnected global threats.

“We are on the edge of extraordinary danger, and no one is safe, regardless of geography, mindset, wealth, or power,” Rama stated. “Multilateral action is not a choice; it is an urgent necessity.”

Albania’s Role

Albania, a small but vocal UN member, has consistently supported multilateralism and international cooperation. Rama highlighted his country’s historical actions in defending shared humanity, such as sheltering Jews during World War II and hosting Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban in 2021. These examples, he noted, reflect Albania’s commitment to humanitarian values despite its limited influence on the global stage.

Rama also underscored Albania’s backing of the UN’s Pact for the Future but cautioned that commitments must be turned into action. He stressed that words alone are not enough, calling for genuine collective efforts to address global issues.

Proposal for Bektashi Sovereign State

Rama concluded by introducing his vision to transform the headquarters of the Bektashi World Order in Tirana into a sovereign state. He framed this as a symbolic move toward creating a center for moderation, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence, aligning with Albania’s broader values of promoting harmony and collective action.

“We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love,” Rama said, invoking the legacy of Mother Teresa, Albania’s revered humanitarian figure. He called for the world to renew its commitment to shared values and collective solutions.

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