EU accession roadmap outlines 118 reform measures for democratic institutions

Published on September 20, 2024

The draft roadmap “For the Functioning of Democratic Institutions,” presented by the EU accession negotiating team to the Committee on European Affairs, proposes 118 reform...

Why is this important

The strategic document guides the reforms Albania’s institutions will undertake during the EU accession negotiation process. Besides legislative improvements, the second set of reforms addresses the electoral process and the role of civil society.

In Focus

1. Albania’s SEPA membership: a major milestone in EU integration

September 17, 2024

Albania is moving toward membership in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), following the official submission of its application in June 2023. With the backing of institutions like the European...

Why is it important

SEPA membership will streamline cross-border euro payments, making them as easy and affordable as domestic transactions. This alignment with EU financial regulations, particularly those related to the free movement of capital (Chapter 4 of the Acquis Communautaire), strengthens Albania’s position as it works toward full EU membership. The move will not only lower the cost of financial transactions but also embed Albania into the European financial and regulatory framework, marking significant progress in its EU integration journey.

All latest stories

EU accession roadmap outlines 118 reform measures for democratic institutions

Published on September 20, 2024

The draft roadmap “For the Functioning of Democratic Institutions,” presented by the EU accession negotiating team to the Committee on European Affairs, proposes 118 reform...

Why is this important

The strategic document guides the reforms Albania’s institutions will undertake during the EU accession negotiation process. Besides legislative improvements, the second set of reforms addresses the electoral process and the role of civil society.

Freeze of ethnic quotas in the public sector in North Macedonia

Published on September 20, 2024

The Constitutional Court in North Macedonia has temporarily halted public sector hiring based on ethnic quotas, pending a final ruling on the constitutionality of the...

Why is this significant

The decision could fuel inter-ethnic tensions in North Macedonia, where relations between the ethnic Macedonian majority and the ethnic Albanian community, which comprises about a quarter of the population, remain shaky.

Prime Minister rules out new asylum agreements

Published on September 20, 2024

Prime Minister Edi Rama has firmly stated that Albania will not enter into any asylum agreements with other countries, aside from the existing one with...

Kosovo Defense Minister warns of potential armed group attacks backed by Serbia

Published on September 20, 2024

Kosovo’s Defense Minister, Ejup Maqedonci, has warned of potential terrorist attacks by armed groups supported by structures in Serbia. He highlighted the ongoing threat posed...

Why is this important

The warning underscores rising tensions in the Balkans amid stalled dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and highlights the fragile peace between Kosovo and Serbia.

Albania boosts scientific research with READ program

AADF, READ program

Published on September 20, 2024

The Albanian Ministry of Education and the Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF) signed a co-financing agreement for the READ program, aimed at supporting scientific research in...

Why is this important

This partnership strengthens connections between Albanian universities and diaspora academics, enhancing research capacities and integrating international expertise into the local academic environment.

11th International Short Film Festival launches in Korça

Published on September 20, 2024

The 11th edition of the International Short Film Festival, “Korça Film Fest 2024,” kicked off on September 17 at the Majestic Cinema in Korça and...

Maritime Police rescue four foreign nationals in Albanian waters

Published on September 19, 2024

The Maritime Police Unit, in coordination with Border Police, successfully rescued four foreign nationals after their vessel suffered a mechanical failure, putting their lives at...

Police officers arrested for theft and abuse of power

Published on September 19, 2024

The Agency of Police Supervision (AMP) executed 22 security measures against police officers accused of theft and abuse of duty in the operation “Foreign Plate.”...

Why is it important

The operation highlights ongoing efforts to ensure accountability within Albania’s police forces, reinforcing public trust as the institution undergoes leadership renewal.

Parliament approves law requiring medical students required to work in health system before graduation

Published on September 19, 2024

Medical students in Albania must now work in the national health system before obtaining their diplomas. The Constitutional Court ruled in July against certain provisions...

President Begaj welcomes new ambassadors of Czech Republic and Hungary

Published on September 19, 2024

President Bajram Begaj accepted the credentials of the new Czech Ambassador Pavel Vacek and Hungarian Ambassador Martina Kasnyik, highlighting the strong bilateral relations between Albania...

All latest stories

Freeze of ethnic quotas in the public sector in North Macedonia

Published on September 20, 2024

The Constitutional Court in North Macedonia has temporarily halted public sector hiring based on ethnic quotas, pending a final ruling on the constitutionality of the...

Why is this significant

The decision could fuel inter-ethnic tensions in North Macedonia, where relations between the ethnic Macedonian majority and the ethnic Albanian community, which comprises about a quarter of the population, remain shaky.

Prime Minister rules out new asylum agreements

Published on September 20, 2024

Prime Minister Edi Rama has firmly stated that Albania will not enter into any asylum agreements with other countries, aside from the existing one with...

Kosovo Defense Minister warns of potential armed group attacks backed by Serbia

Published on September 20, 2024

Kosovo’s Defense Minister, Ejup Maqedonci, has warned of potential terrorist attacks by armed groups supported by structures in Serbia. He highlighted the ongoing threat posed...

Why is this important

The warning underscores rising tensions in the Balkans amid stalled dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia and highlights the fragile peace between Kosovo and Serbia.

Albania boosts scientific research with READ program

AADF, READ program

Published on September 20, 2024

The Albanian Ministry of Education and the Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF) signed a co-financing agreement for the READ program, aimed at supporting scientific research in...

Why is this important

This partnership strengthens connections between Albanian universities and diaspora academics, enhancing research capacities and integrating international expertise into the local academic environment.

11th International Short Film Festival launches in Korça

Published on September 20, 2024

The 11th edition of the International Short Film Festival, “Korça Film Fest 2024,” kicked off on September 17 at the Majestic Cinema in Korça and...

Maritime Police rescue four foreign nationals in Albanian waters

Published on September 19, 2024

The Maritime Police Unit, in coordination with Border Police, successfully rescued four foreign nationals after their vessel suffered a mechanical failure, putting their lives at...

Police officers arrested for theft and abuse of power

Published on September 19, 2024

The Agency of Police Supervision (AMP) executed 22 security measures against police officers accused of theft and abuse of duty in the operation “Foreign Plate.”...

Why is it important

The operation highlights ongoing efforts to ensure accountability within Albania’s police forces, reinforcing public trust as the institution undergoes leadership renewal.

Parliament approves law requiring medical students required to work in health system before graduation

Published on September 19, 2024

Medical students in Albania must now work in the national health system before obtaining their diplomas. The Constitutional Court ruled in July against certain provisions...

President Begaj welcomes new ambassadors of Czech Republic and Hungary

Published on September 19, 2024

President Bajram Begaj accepted the credentials of the new Czech Ambassador Pavel Vacek and Hungarian Ambassador Martina Kasnyik, highlighting the strong bilateral relations between Albania...

EU forms Advisory Committee to accelerate Western Balkans’ membership bid

Published on September 19, 2024

The European Commission has launched a Joint Advisory Committee to fast-track EU membership for candidate countries, including Albania. This committee will guide, monitor, and support...

Why is this important

Albanian PM Edi Rama and European Economic and Social Committee President Oliver Röpke announced the initiative at a press conference. Rama stressed, “It brings us a lot of new energy that we have been able to create the Joint Advisory Committee, which is not only proof of our commitment but also of our strong belief that the integration process is not just a matter for the government but for all citizens, including civil society. It allows us to show our citizens and stakeholders, not just through our words but through this institution, how important it is that the path to EU membership is one that involves all of civil society, not just a few actors.”

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