Media freedom concerns and accusations of government intimidation in Kosovo following RTK controversy

The broadcasting of an article from Sarajevo-based “Slobodna Bosna” alleging, without any supporting evidence or proof, that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić controls and sponsors two independent Kosovo news portals critical of Albin Kurti’s government has sparked widespread criticism from journalists, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, opposition parties, and media experts.
Why is this relevant
The controversy highlights ongoing concerns about media freedom in Kosovo, where on a number of occasions, media and journalists critical of the Vetëvendosje government have faced intimidation and pressure.
The article in Slobodna Bosna spoke of concerns about the Serbian government’s alleged influence on these Kosovo portals. The reactions were caused by the fact that parts of the article were broadcasted by Kosovo’s public broadcaster, Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), despite the allegations being unsupported by proof or any evidence and not meeting any journalistic standards.
What led further credence to the accusations of this being an attack of critical media, was the reaction of the RTK editor in charge of the publication in RTK, who in a Facebook post claimed that despite insisting that the article not be broadcast, he had been forced to relent after coming under irresistible pressure from his superiors.
Afterwards, the RTK publication was shared online by Vetëvendosje members of parliament prompting journalists and associations to accuse the majority of “intimidation of journalists and pressure from the government.”
Following the uproar, the ruling party criticized the alleged targeting of Kosovo media by Serbian-influenced portals but called for the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the claims made by the Sarajevo portal.
Kosovo opposition parties, on the other hand, reacted strongly, accusing the Kosovo public broadcaster of having “become a tool of the government’s interest.” A senior politician described the situation as yet another attack by the government and its representatives on the media and journalists.
The reaction by journalists and media experts has been very critical of the public broadcaster. A number of journalists and editors working there have already distanced themselves from the chronicle aired on July 22. On July 23, the RTK Board held an extraordinary meeting on the issue where concerns were expressed over the publication of the “controversial article on RTK” and sought detailed explanations from management. Acting RTK Director Zana Spahiu informed the Board that she “will establish a professional commission to clarify the situation in detail and illuminate the editorial responsibility for this release, taking rigorous measures in accordance with RTK’s law and internal acts.”
However, a senior legal advisor at the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom commenting on the issue asserted that the damage done to RTK’s credibility might be irreparable and called for the dismissal of responsible individuals as a necessary step towards addressing the situation.