Government approves reintegration program for unemployed: 6 month training courses and financial support

Government approves reintegration program for unemployed: 6 month training courses and financial support

Unemployed Albanians, who have no profession or skills, will have the opportunity to enroll in a 6-month program where they can receive professional training and education. To access the program, participants must register with the Unemployment Offices as unemployed. Priority is given to recipients of the economic assistance scheme, members of the Roma and Egyptian communities, persons with disabilities, female heads of households, as well as other job seekers from specific social groups.


The majority of unemployed individuals in Albania are not registered as such. Therefore, authorities find it difficult to accurately quantify their number. Thus through this initiative Government aims not only to qualify them in various trades for which there is market demand, such as plumbing, electricians, or construction technicians but also obtain a clearer picture of their number.

In addition to benefiting from the reintegration program during the 6-month qualification period, participants will also receive a monthly stipend depending on their social category. By 2025, the government project aims to qualify approximately 2500 unemployed individuals.

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