EU accession roadmap outlines 118 reform measures for democratic institutions

The draft roadmap “For the Functioning of Democratic Institutions,” presented by the EU accession negotiating team to the Committee on European Affairs, proposes 118 reform measures to improve democracy and institutional functioning in Albania. Of these, 59 measures focus on enhancing the performance of Parliament.
Why is this important
The strategic document guides the reforms Albania’s institutions will undertake during the EU accession negotiation process. Besides legislative improvements, the second set of reforms addresses the electoral process and the role of civil society.
During the report to Parliament, Chief Negotiator Majlinda Dhuka emphasized the steps needed for electoral processes. She outlined measures in three areas: ensuring free and fair elections, implementing OSCE-ODIHR and Venice Commission recommendations by 2030, and modernizing the electoral system through digitization and voter education.
- Majlinda Dhuka: Highlighted the progress in guaranteeing diaspora voting and implementing international recommendations gradually each year until 2030. The roadmap also plans for digitizing the election process, including electronic vote counting.
- Jorida Tabaku (Democratic Party): Criticized the Socialist government for delaying electoral reforms, arguing that recommendations set for 2023-2024 have been postponed to 2025 and beyond, questioning the government’s commitment to these changes.
Next Steps: Dhuka announced efforts to improve relations with the European Parliament, including having Albanian parliamentary representatives participate as observers in EU Committees. This practice aims to strengthen Albania’s representation skills ahead of eventual EU membership.