Dual education system to be introduced in professional education next year

The Albanian Government announces the implementation of the dual education system in professional education starting next year.
Why is this relevant
Starting next year, the dual education system, which is already implemented in countries like Germany and Switzerland, will be introduced in professional education in Albania. This system allows students to split their weekly learning hours between school and business environments from their second year onwards. Students will receive a minimum wage while participating in practical training.
The tourism sector, in particular, has faced a shortage of skilled workers for years. The government views this initiative as a valuable opportunity for enhancing human resources. The Prime Minister considers this an investment for businesses to ensure a qualified workforce.
Businesses that participate in the dual education system will have the expenses for student wages deducted from their taxes. Conversely, larger businesses that choose not to participate will be required to contribute 1% of their profits to a special fund dedicated to skills development.
Another obligation for businesses joining the dual system is to provide designated areas for teaching within their premises.