Albanian Parliament votes to repeal Wartime Law with Greece

Albanian Parliament votes to repeal Wartime Law with Greece

The Albanian Parliament unanimously approved a project declaration titled “On Strengthening Cooperation with the Republic of Greece and Repealing the Wartime Law.” The vote, with 96 members in support and none opposing or abstaining, signifies a significant advancement in bilateral relations between Albania and Greece.

Why is this relevant

Recognizing the shared commitment to deepen cooperation, the project declaration invites the Greek Parliament to support governmental efforts aimed at repealing the wartime law, echoing previous expressions of mutual political will by the Foreign Ministers of Greece.

It mandates the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to regularly update the Albanian Parliament and its Euro-Atlantic NATO and EU partners on systematic efforts, in collaboration with Greece, to resolve this longstanding issue.

Unlike the spirit of the “Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, Good Neighborliness and Security,” and the repeated mutual political will, Law No. 2636/40 on Wartime remains in force and continues to produce some of the negative effects that arise when states are in a state of war. The project declaration addresses the outdated wartime legislation acknowledged by both countries as incongruous with their current bilateral strategic relations.

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