Albanian Parliament to introduce AI system to transcribe parliamentary speeches and meetings

All speeches by members of the Albanian Parliament during plenary sessions, committee meetings, and any other forums, will in the near future be transcribed using an AI powered system. The Parliament announced the opening of a tender for this this project that is expected to reduce the time editors spend transcribing over 10 hours of material per day, lower costs and improve transparency.
Why is this relevant
In recent years, the Albanian Government has undertaken a very ambitious digitalization reform with more than 95% of public administration services currently offered online. The use of AI is expected to expand further in an effort to modernize government operations and improve workflow efficiency.
Earlier in the year, the Albanian Government announced plans to adopt AI powered systems for the public procurement process, as well as for translating and adapting Albania’s legal framework to the European Union’s acquis communautaire. The application of AI systems will also be extended to other institutions.