Prime Minister Rama reacts to debate on sovereign Bektashi entity

Prime Minister Rama reacts to debate on sovereign Bektashi entity

Photo: Bektashi World Headquarters

Prime Minister Edi Rama reacted to the public debate on the proposal to create a sovereign entity for the Bektashi Order within the grounds of the World Bektashi Headquarters in Tirana. Rama expressed surprise at the backlash, noting that the responses have crossed expected boundaries of imagination and criticism.

Why is it important: According to Rama, the proposal aims to protect the Bektashi community, which has played a significant role in Albania’s history, from the risk of decline. He argues that the community lacks external support, unlike other major religious groups. Establishing the Bektashi Headquarters as a sovereign entity will preserve its cultural and historical legacy and ensure the community’s survival for future generations. Rama stressed that this step is crucial not only for national interests but also for preserving Albania’s tradition of religious tolerance and harmony.

Details of proposal:

  • Reason Behind the Proposal: In a post on X, Rama explained the motivations behind the idea for a Bektashi microstate. He highlighted the need to protect the community from shrinking, emphasizing its unique contributions to Albania’s state-building and cultural identity. Rama noted that, unlike other religious communities with global reach, the Bektashi Order lacks similar backing and this makes it vulnerable.
  • Rama’s Statement: “This step aligns with our national interest and our continuous investment in preserving the priceless treasure of religious harmony, where Bektashism has an irreplaceable role alongside the other three major faiths,” Rama stated. He argued that raising the World Headquarters’ status to a sovereign entity will greatly reduce the threat of the community’s decline and ensure its sustainable existence.
  • Rama emphasized that addressing this issue now means safeguarding a vital element of Albania’s historical and cultural heritage. He believes that creating such a sovereign entity will also enhance Albania’s image globally amid rising religious and cultural conflicts.

Will it happen: Rama acknowledged that establishing the sovereign Bektashi entity will not be an immediate process. It requires public consultation followed by legislative approval. He noted that the government has engaged foreign and local experts to explore all necessary legal steps for implementing the idea. Rama emphasized the need for careful legal planning to ensure the proper establishment of this unique entity.

Model of the Bektashi State:

  • There are as yet no details on the model the Bektashi state could follow. Some have spoken of a model similar to the Vatican. Other suggestions include adopting a framework like the Sovereign Order of Malta. The Bektashi community confirmed that citizenship would be limited to clergy and individuals involved in state administration. Governance will be led by the spiritual leadership of the Bektashi Order, with the Grandfather and a council overseeing religious and administrative functions.
  • The Bektashi leadership clarified that the new state will focus solely on spiritual leadership without any political or territorial ambitions. The proposed territory for the sovereign state includes the 27-hectare complex of the World Headquarters in Tirana. This new status aims to ensure the community’s spiritual guidance and administration without external interference.

Public and Community Reaction:

  • The proposal has stirred mixed reactions among the public, with some viewing it as a necessary measure to protect a vulnerable community, while others see it as controversial. Political commentators and media have debated the implications of establishing a sovereign state within Albania. Critics argue that it could set a precedent for other religious groups, while supporters highlight the historical importance of preserving the Bektashi Order.
  • The Bektashi community has expressed support, emphasizing the proposal’s importance in safeguarding their heritage and identity. They believe that sovereign status will bolster their ability to maintain traditions and continue their spiritual mission without external pressures.

What Comes Next:

  • The next steps involve detailed consultations and legislative discussions to formalize the proposal. The government plans to gather public input and evaluate legal frameworks before moving forward. Experts will assess potential impacts and outline necessary protocols for establishing the Bektashi state. Rama remains committed to the proposal, urging stakeholders to engage constructively in the consultation process.

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