Shkodra’s European Mobility Week: A celebration of cycling and community

Shkodra’s European Mobility Week: A celebration of cycling and community

The municipality of Shkodër has launched the European Mobility Week, featuring a range of engaging activities for children and youth. The week, running from September 16-22, will include bicycle rides with participation from local schools, sports performances, play areas, workshops, and artisan fairs, culminating in a “Car-Free Day”.

As part of this initiative, Shkodër’s local government conducted a survey to gather data for its mobility plan. The findings highlight a strong community desire to transform Shkodër into a cleaner, greener city that enhances residents’ quality of life while promoting harmony with nature.

Notably, over 90% of families in Shkodër own bicycles, averaging two per household. Furthermore, more than 90% of citizens support the establishment of dedicated bike lanes. For over two-thirds of residents, cycling is a regular activity; however, they face challenges due to the lack of designated lanes and double parking issues.

Bicycles have become a symbol of Shkodër’s tourist branding and the official souvenir promoted by the municipality.

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