Heatwave continues to grip Albania, Tirana sets up “Care Tent” in Skanderbeg Square

Heatwave continues to grip Albania, Tirana sets up “Care Tent” in Skanderbeg Square

Despite a slight drop in temperatures at the beginning of the week, scorching heat continues to dominate across Albania. To help citizens and the many tourists cope with the heat, the Municipality of Tirana has set up a “Care Tent” in Skanderbeg Square. This facility offers free blood pressure measurements and water to the public.

Why is this relevant

In the past month, the national emergency services have reported an increase in emergency cases, mainly related to issues caused by the high temperatures. Over the past weeks Albania has been experiencing unprecedented high temperatures soaring into the high 30s Celsius but with a real feel reaching into the high 40s. People of all ages have sought medical assistance, though the majority are elderly. Meteorologists predict that the high temperatures will persist until the early weeks of September. Meanwhile, doctors recommend avoiding peak sun exposure and reducing time spent outdoors.

The “Care Tent” initiative is a necessary response to the ongoing heatwave. It aims to provide immediate relief and support to those who might be affected by the extreme weather. With temperatures remaining high, such measures are essential to ensure the well-being of both residents and visitors.

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